How to add or edit a Karaoke composition?
To add a composition
1. Open the tab Karaoke and press Add composition.
2. Fill in the necessary fields.
Name - enter the name of the composition. You can use letters, numbers and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Artist - enter the artist. You can use letters, numbers and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Protocol - choose the protocol.
a. HTTP. When choosing the protocol data, file will be saved in a storage of the server. You will have to install the storage first, and then to upload the files with names, matching the ID.
- Add the track, choosing HTTP protocol.
- Upload the composition to the storage and rename it by its ID, e.g. 2.mpg
b. Custom URL - input the direct link to the file.
Please notice that after adding a composition you should Publish it.
Read about the publication process here.
To edit a composition
1. Open the tab Karaoke.
2. Focus the composition and press .
3. Choose Edit.
4. Edit the composition data.
5. Press Save.