How to add or edit an album?
To add an album
1. Open a tab Audio club.
2. Choose Albums.
3. Press Add album.
4. Fill in necessary fields.
Notice that Artist / Genre/ Year should be added to the list beforehand.
Artist - choose artist from the list.
Album - enter the name of album. You can use letters, numbers and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Genre - choose genre from the list. You can choose up to 4 genres for each album.
Year - choose year from the list.
Cover - upload an image of the cover. Images should be in “.jpeg” or “.png” formats and up to 1 Megabyte.
Country - choose a country from the list. You can edit list of countries in countries table in MySQL database of Stalker.
5. Press Save & Forward.
Add a song in the Tracks section. For details on how to add a song to an album, see here.
Please notice that after adding an album you should Publish it. See more here.
To edit the album
1. Open the tab Audio club.
2. Choose Albums.
3. Focus the album and press .
4. Choose Edit.
5. Edit the data about album.
6. Press Save.