How to set up TV archive and Timeshift using Flussonic DVR?
1. Open tab Storage.
2. Choose Storage list.
3. Press button Add storage.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.
Title - enter the storage title.
IP - enter IP of Flussonic server and set Flussonic port.
Apache port - enter the port number to the Apache server.
Home directory - leave this field empty.
Maximum of the users - enter maximum users number, who can view the storage content simultaneously.
5.Unfold the Additional information tab and put ticks in the following fields:
Content storage - put to allow content storage.
Allow TV recording - select the storage from the list for content recording.
Emulation - put to allow emulation.
Stream server - choose stream server.
Filter - enter a filter for STB firmware.
Access restriction - put to access restriction.
Not available for the MAG100 - put to access restriction for MAG100.
6. Press Save.
7. Open tab IPTV channels.
8. Choose Channels.
9. Focus on the channel and press .
10. Choose Edit.
TV archive type - select Flussonic for making the recordings on the storage server.
Archive servers - choose the server for data storage that was previously created.
TV Archive address - enter IP address for Flussonic server to record TV archive. Format URL: http://FlussonicIP:port/<streamname>/index.m3u8
TV Archive length - enter the time in hours. You can input only integer numbers.
Allow nPVR - put
to enable users to use the nPVR function on this channel.nPVR servers - select the server to store the data written using the nPVR function.
11. Press Save.
12. Set up EPG for the channel.
13. Enable DVR.
Flussonic Documentation is available here.
Please notice that it is possible to record HSL-streams when set up TV archive using Flussonic DVR.