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Note! Video is added to the statistics if it is viewed at least 70% in the interface Ministra Classic and at least 1 hour in Smart Launcher.

1. Click the Statistics tab.

2. Select Movie statistics.

Movie statistics

You will see data about viewing content through the Video club service.

Movie statistics

3. Select the type of statistics:


This section contains information about the popularity of all published videos.

Specify the period of time for which you want to see statistics.

Movie statistics

ID - the identifier of the viewing record.

Title - the title of the video.

Views in total - the total number of views.

Views per month - the number of views in the last month.

Last view - the date of the last view in the format MM-DD-YYYY HH: MI.

Number of copies - the number of storages in which the video is stored.

  By days

This section contains the table of views, presented in the form of a reverse chronology (from the last watching any video to the earliest).

Movie statistics

ID - the identifier of the viewing record.

Day - a date in the format MM-DD-YYYY.

By day - the total number of views of all videos by all users for the specified date.

  By genres

This section contains data on the total number of video views that belong to the genre.

Movie statistics

Genre -  the name of the video genre.

Number of movies - the total number of videos in a given genre (Q).

Number of views - the number of views of the video in this genre (V).

Genre popularity, % - the popularity of the genre, which is defined as follows:

V/Q * 100%

To search for data by a specific parameter, enter the search word or its part in the Search field in the upper right corner.

Movie statistics

You can also sort by columns depending on the type of statistics you have selected. Click on the column name. Sorting is done from the biggest to the smallest, from A to Z and vice versa.

Movie statistics

To display the desired columns, clickMovie statisticsin the upper right corner, then put  Movie statistics to display the required columns.

Movie statistics

Need Help

Cindy is an expert on the Ministra TV platform and the author of this article.

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