How to add or edit streaming area?
Streaming area is a country territory where it is possible to provide services.
Add a streaming area
1. Open tab Streaming servers.
2. Choose Streaming areas.
3. Press button Add zone.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.
Required fields are marked with *.
- Title - enter the streaming area title. You can use letters, numbers and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
- Default area - put
- Choose the type of streaming zone:
Please notice that to change the default streaming area:
Remove the Default area tick for the current streaming area;
Put the tick in Default area field for the required area.
Editing the streaming area
1. Open tab Streaming servers.
2. Choose Streaming areas.
3. Focus on streaming area and press
.4. Choose Edit.
5. Edit the streaming area information.
6. Press Save.