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Localization of STB's interface is based on library using gettext Utility for easy transfer - Poedit

The order of the localization

  • Set the server necessary locale and make sure that it appeared in the output:
locale -a
  • For Debian/Ubuntu it is neccessary to add in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local the string with needed locale and then to do:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  • The list of the supported locales are in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED .

  • To create directory with locale's name (it is enough two first letters from output locale -a ) in /server/locale/ ; it is neccessary to create cataloge LC_MESSAGES there.

  • To copy in /server/locale/[NEW_LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/ file stb.po , for example from english localization.

  • To open /server/locale/[NEW_LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/stb.po with help of Poedit.

  • To translate.
  • To save the result. There is file must appear near the stb.po (it's the localalization using file in portal).

In some cases it is neccessary to restart apache.

Add/rename TV and videoclub genres

  • New genre in TV can be added it MySQL database in table tv_genre
  • New genre in Videoclub can be added it MySQL database in table cat_genre categories in table media_category

    To translate the added genres you need:
    1. Make sure that the genre is added to the admin panel in English;
    2. Add the name of the created genre to the file /var/www/stalker_portal/server/tools.misctranslations.php in English;

    3. Edit the localization file /var/www/stalker_portal/server/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/stb.po in a text editor by adding lines of the form

    msgid "genre name in english"

    msgstr "translation"

    Save with the created changes.

    4. Open file stb.po in the Poedit editor.

    Complete the translation and save the result.
    A file should appear next to stb.po

    5. Restart the Apache service.

    sudo service apache2 restart

Settings (User interface)

Settings should be translated separatly in stalker_portal/external/settings/js/langs/

Then add new language in /external/settings/index.html in

var all_lang=[“ru”,“bg”,“uk”];

so it will be for example like next

var all_lang=[“ru”,“bg”,“uk”,“sk”];

New Admin interface

New files according to new localization should be created in: stalker_portal/server/adm/plugins/form-validator/lang/ stalker_portal/server/adm/plugins/datatables/lang/

Need Help

Cindy is an expert on the Ministra TV platform and the author of this article.

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