How to connect Bluetooth accessories?
You can connect wireless keyboards, mouses, headphones and other Bluetooth accessories to MAG425A.
To add a Bluetooth device, follow these steps:
1. In Settings, Remote & accessories section, select Add accessory.
2. Put your accessory in connecting (pairing) mode.
3. You will see a list of available devices.
4. Choose your device from the list.
5. You will see your device in the list of connected devices.
Note. In case of a keyboard connecting you can be prompted for the passkey entering.
Example of connecting Bluetooth keyboard
Let's consider the example of connecting Keyboard K380.
1. Open Settings, select Add accessory.
2. This brings the set-top box into the searching mode. The 'Searching for accessories...' window appears on the screen.
3. Turn on your Bluetooth keyboard and switch it into pairing mode in accordance with the operating guide of the device.
4. After a while (up to 10 sec) the keyboard should be discovered and its name and MAC address should be displayed at the top of the screen.
Note. In case several Bluetooth devices have been found, be sure your needed device is selected.
5. Click OK on RC to confirm the correct device was found. The STB goes pairing and eventually the 'Bluetooth pairing request' window is displaying.
6. In the 'Bluetooth pairing request' window, read up on the screen a specific passkey (6 numbers, in the example: 074397). Then:
enter 6 number passkey with the Bluetooth keyboard
press Enter key on the Bluetooth keyboard

Note. After pressing Enter key on the Bluetooth keyboard, if you entered a wrong passkey, the warning message 'Couldn't pair' would be appeared. In this case, you should back and continue from item 5 (see above), receive a new passkey, and try to enter the valid passkey again.
7. If you have passed all the above items properly, the STB starts connecting and eventually gets paired with the keyboard.
The STB returns back to the Settings, and the keyboard is displayed in the Remote & Accessories list with description Connected.