How to process the resellers functionality?
Resellers functionality is used for joint use of the hardware platform and Ministra TV Platform with common content access by several operators simultaneously. To do this, each provider is assigned a reseller. Each reseller has its own subscribers base and can set and sell their services independently from other resellers.
For example, there are several operators who want to use common means for service provision to their subscribers (common server, Ministra TV Platform and content). To do so, global administrator appoints a reseller to each operator (see below). Each reseller gets an administrator. Reseller's users quantity and its administrators' access rights are also configured. Each reseller sees only their own subscriber base, while getting the access to common content (IPTV channels base, Video club, Karaoke, etc.) and can create the services and tariff plans they wish.
To add reseller
1. Open tab Administrators.
2. Choose Resellers.
3. Press button Adding reseller.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.
Required fields are marked with *.
Name - enter the name of reseller. You can use letters, numbers and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Maximum number of users - enter the maximum number of users that reseller can serve. Enter 0 for unlimited number of users.
IP-addresses - the IP address or address range of users who are granted access to the Ministra TV platform portal. Read more here.
5. Press Save.
How to add user to reseller group see here.
To edit reseller
1. Open tab Administrators.
2. Choose Resellers.
3. Focus on reseller and press .
4. Choose Edit.
5. Edit the reseller information.
6. Press Save.
To move all users from one reseller to another
This operation is done to move entire subscribers base from one reseller to another.
1. Open tab Administrators.
2. Choose Resellers.
3. Focus on reseller and press .
4. Choose Move all users to another reseller.
5. Choose reseller you want to move users to.
6. Press Move.
To move one user from one reseller to another
1. Open tab Users.
2. Choose Users list.
3. Focus on user and press
.4. Choose Change reseller for current user.

5. Choose reseller you want to move user to.
6. Press Move.
To delete reseller
1. Open tab Administrators.
2. Choose Resellers.
3. Focus on reseller and press .
4. Choose Delete.