How to add or edit an IPTV channel?
To add an IPTV channel
1. Open tab IPTV channels.
2. Choose Channels.
3. Press button Add a channel.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.
Required fields are marked with *.
Channel number - enter the channel number.
Channel name - enter the channel name. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Genre - choose the genre from the list. You can see here how to add a genre.
Volume correction - set the volume rate.
- value with + (+5, +10, +15... +100) increase the volume rate of the user's device by the stated degree;
- value 0 means that the volume rate of the user's device will not change;
- value with - (-5, -10, -15... -100) decrease the volume rate of the user's device by the stated degree;
Channel logo - upload the logo image. Recommended format - ".png" ( ".jpg" и ".gif" can also be uploaded). Maximum file size - up to 1MB. Recommended minimum size - not less than 96*96 pixels.
Streaming link - press Add link and fill in the form fields. After filling in the form Add streaming link press Save.
Channel URL - enter the direct link to the stream in form solution+URL. Media content types can be found here.
Filter - enter one condition for filtering: country code, connection type, device model or IP range. Read more about adding a filter condition here.
Priority - set the channel priority.
Temporary URL - for every channel you can add several streaming links. Each link should be set a priority. If the link with higher priority stops working, the channel will switch to a lower priority link. The highest priority is 0. You can also set the same priority for several links. In this case, all the channel watchers will be equally distributed among this links. The required condition for switching to the backup link is a switched on monitoring. You can see here how to set channel monitoring.
5. Press Save.
To edit IPTV channel
1. Open tab IPTV channels.
2. Choose Channels.
3. Focus on the channel and press .
4. Choose Edit.

5. Edit the channel data.
6. Press Save.