How to import IPTV channels list from m3u list?
1. Open the IPTV channels tab.
2. Choose Import from m3u.
3. Click the Add file button.
4. Choose and upload the IPTV channels list in ".m3u" format.
Note! The .m3u file must contain a set of paired lines, the first of which must begin with #EXTINF:, the second must be a link to the channel.
An example file with channels in M3U format can be downloaded here (m3u).
If you use Ministra TV Platform version 5.5 and lower, the genres specified in the .m3u file will be displayed outside the drop-down list. The Genre column will contain default values.
In order for the added genres to upload correctly, you need to apply this patch (zip).
Unzip the archive with the patch to the root directory of the Ministra TV Platform and run the command:
sudo patch -p1 < Add_genres.patch
a. To add the following channel list click Save channels.
b. To add separate channels from the list put
Please notice that before adding IPTV channel to the constant streaming list you can edit its data: Logo, Channel number, Channel name, Streaming links, Genre and XMLTV ID and also you can put for Basic channel or Age restriction.
c. To delete the following IPTV channels list click Clean all.
d. To delete the specific channels click
Please notice that you can import/export IPTV channels list only via Stalker's MySQL database, by exporting/importing itv table.