How to set the firmware update condition?
1. Open tab Settings.
2. Choose Firmware update.
3. Press button Add update.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.
Required fields are marked with *.

STB model - choose the hardware, whose firmware will be updated.
Image version - enter image version, firmware should be updated to.
Image date - enter image date, firmware should be updated to. Please preserve the following form: "Thu Oct 8 14:27:25 EEST 2015".Entire date should be entered.
Update type - choose one of firmware update types: by HTTP protocol or DHCP.
Automatic update - put for automatic firmware update, if the version does not is not the latest one.
Please notice that you can enter only of the following parameters: Image version or Image date (recommended). But it is possible to enter both
You can create additional parameters for firmware version update. Unfold the tab Additional and fill in the fields.
Prefix - enter the file prefix.
Required image descriptor - enter image descriptor entirely or partially. You can find information for this field in User profile, Device info tab.
Required image version - enter the image version of user's STB. You can find information for this field in User profile, Device info tab.
Hardware version - enter hardware version. You can find information for this field on STB case or in user's System settings.
User groups - select a group of users. For more information about user groups, click here.
5. Press Save.
Please notice that after adding the update condition, you should switch it on.