How and to whom can I restrict the storage access?
You can restrict the storage access by specifying the categories that will be granted this access:
- set-top boxes of certain models and/or certain connection type (Wi-Fi, Ethernet);
- moderators.
You can also restrict access for MAG100 set-top boxes.
To set storage access restricts follow the instructions:
1. Open tab Storage.
2. Choose Storage list.
3. Focus on storage and press .
4. Choose Edit.

5. Unfold the tab Additional information and fill in the fields.
Filter - you can set up filtering for STBs by connection type (Wi-Fi, Ethernet) and model (MAG 250, MAG 275, ...). The field is case sensitive. Enter the filtration value according to regular syntax, for example: (MAG250|MAG275|Ethernet).
Access restriction - put to restrict access for everyone except the moderators. For other moderators functions see here.
Not available for the MAG100 - put to restrict storage access for MAG100 set-top boxes.