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To find all Video club files located on storage please follow the instructions:

1. Open tab Storage.

2. Choose Video storage.

How to find video on storage?

To see the entire list of movies on storage in text format press button In text format.

In this tab you can also use the standard list processing functions:


To find a video you should enter a word you look for or a part of the word in Search field. Fields that can be searched are highlighted: ID, Catalogue, Title, Video quality, All views, Views per month.

How to find video on storage?


To sort video by columns ID, Catalogue, Title, Video quality, Storage quantity, All views, Views per month, Last view, Status press a name of the column.

Sorting can be conducted from the biggest to the smallest, from A to Z and vice versa.

How to find video on storage?


You can use filter the storage videos by the following parameters:

Available on the server - search for video on the chosen server;
Not available on server - search for video on all servers except the chosen one;
Quantity of the storages - search for the video on the mentioned number of servers;
Video quality - search for the video of the mentioned quality: SD or HD;
Status - search for the video by mentioned status: Published or Unpublished;

Choose the necessary parameter's value. Click the Search button.

How to find video on storage?

  Enabling and disabling the necessary fields

You can enable and disable columns in the album list and organize the list the way you prefer. Follow the instructions:

1. Press How to find video on storage?in right upper corner;

2. Put How to find video on storage? to show the required columns.

How to find video on storage?

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Cindy is an expert on the Ministra TV platform and the author of this article.

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