How to add or edit a Service package?
Tariff plan functionality is purposed for flexible creation of service packages depending on user's needs and the operator's will. Service packages are then grouped in tariff plans. This system allows to create service packages and tariff plans of any modifications and to consider different access types - full and optional. See here for more information about access type.
Ministra TV platform does not conduct billing. For accounting system extra resources should be used.
To add Service package
1. Open tab Tariffs.
2. Choose Service packages.
3. Press button Add package.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.

External ID - enter external Service package indicator. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Package - enter the package name. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Description - enter the package description. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Service - choose service: TV, Video, Radio, module, option. See here for details about service included to the package.
Full package - if you put in this field, the package will give the full access to the content of the chosen service.If you don't you'd have to choose the each resource from the list.
Please notice that when choosing Video service there will be offered two types of access - permanent and one-time. When you select one-time access, additional fields appear: Duration of rent (in hours) and Price.

5. Press Save.
To edit Service package
1. Open tab Tariffs.
2. Choose Service packages.
3. Focus on service package and press .
4. Choose Edit.

5. Edit the package data.
6. Press Save.