How to add or edit a movie?
Adding movie
1. Open the tab Video club.
2. Choose Movie list.
3. Press button Add movie.
Required fields are marked with *.
5. Fill in the required fields in Movie information section. Press Save&Forward.

6. Upload the cover image and screenshots in the Screenshots section and click Save&Forward.
Title - enter video title. You can use letters, digits and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Original title - enter the movie title or the part of it.
Press Autocomplete TMDB (request of auto fill-in from site) button or Autocomplete Kinopoisk (request of auto fill-in from site). After auto fill-in is done this field will change to original movie title (on the original language). The following fields will be filled in automatically: Title, TMDB ID / Kinopoisk ID, Rating, Year, Length, Country, Director, Actors, Movie description, MPAA rating, Age restriction, Cover. If there is not data for auto fill-in on source site you will have to fill in the fields manually. For more information on auto-fill data, see here.
TMDB / Kinopoisk ID - enter movie ID, from the TMDB or Kinopoisk sites. This field is alternative to Original title field. One field is enough for auto fill-in.
TMDB / Kinopoisk Rating - the field is filled in automatically and displays the rating on TMDB/Kinopoisk sites.
Category - choose video category. See here about adding or editing categories.
Genre - choose a genre from the list. You can choose up to 4 genres for each video. See here about adding or editing genres.
Type - choose video type: movie or series movie. Choosing Series you will be offered to Create seasons structure.
Year - enter the year, when the movie was released.
Parent control - put to enable Parental advisory for this video. This function limits the access to the file making it available only after password input. Default password: 0000. User can change the password. See here how you can reboot the Parental advisory password.
Length - enter the movie length in minutes.
Country - enter the country of movie production.
Director - enter the movie director name.
Actors - enter the names of actors, who played in the movie.
Movie description - enter the text describing the movie.
Comments - enter the comments. The field is created for service information that is not displayed in the user interface.
MPAA rating - choose MPAA rating.
Age restriction - set the age restriction for viewing this movie.
Cover - upload the cover image. Available formats - jpg, jpeg, png. Maximum file size - up to 1MB.
Adding movie files
Movie files can be added in two ways:
- By direct link to content. Movie files are not stored on the server.
- Uploading movie files to storage. It requires installing the storage to server beforehand and uploading the files there. More about storage configuration is here. This way can be used for all set-top boxes except MAG100.
Adding movie files by direct link to content.
1. Press Add file.
2. Fill in the required files.
File type - choose video.
Quality - choose the quality of the video you add.
Languages - choose the video audio tracks languages. Languages should be chosen in the same order as the audio tracks. If there are several audio tracks in the same language choose it several times.
Volume correction - set the volume rate:
- value with + (+5, +10, +15... +100) increase the volume rate of the user's device by the stated degree;
- value 0 means that the volume rate of the user's device will not change;
- value with - (-5, -10, -15... -100) decrease the volume rate of the user's device by the stated degree;
Protocol -here.
Custom URL. For more information on how to add a file using direct links and temporary links with Flussonic, seeURL - enter the direct link to the file in solution+URL format.
Temporary link - select a temporary link from the list.
Status - choose the status of the video you add: Published or Not published.
To display the info about width, height, language and quality we recommend to install ffmpeg libav-tools to the system.
Use Autofill button for automatic fill-in of Quality and Languages fields.
Adding movie files to the storage
After you have added the movie information there will be created a folder in storage with the name of the movie.
1. Add the movie file to the matching folder at storage.
2. Open tab Video club.
3. Choose Movie list.
4. Focus on the movie, files of which you added to the storage and press .
5. Choose Edit.
6. Focus on the movie, files of which you added to the storage and press
7. Choose Edit. .
8. Fill in the required fields.
Protocol -
HTTP.File type, Quality, Languages, Volume, Status fields are filled in the same way as when the content is added by direct link.
9. Press Save.
Check if the file is available in the storage.
- Go to tab Video club>Movie list and press
. Choose Check file;
- If the video file is added to the matching folder you will see the following:
Please notice that you can add several files for one movie. For example, it can be in different languages or qualities.
The user can choose the one in language and quality they like.
Editing a movie
1. Open tab Video club.
2. Choose Movie list.
3. Focus on movie and press .
4. Choose Edit.
5. Edit the movie information.
6. Press Save.
To edit movie file information focus on file and press
choose Edit.
After changes are done, press Save.