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Update from USB drive

  • Copy on a USB drive two files:

actual version set_second_boot (sh)

  • Login to the STB via ssh

Login: root
Password: 930920
Port: 22

 Attention!!! Beginning from version 0.2.14-r8 the changes were implemented in security and update system.

In manufacturer software version (software version, which is provided by the manufacturer for Autoupdate and update from the embedded portal) - SSH is locked.
In Public software versions, provided in - SSH is open at the standard port.

Operators Utilities and instructions for building STB software image

  • Connect the USB drive
  • Go to the directory in which files have been copied earlier (usually a USB drive is mounted in the directory /media/USB-…the device name.. ).
  • Run the command
*Reboot STB.

Update via HTTP

  • Login to the STB via ssh
  • Run the commands (example to MAG200):
/bin/wget -O /ram/
chmod a+x /ram/
  • Turn off STB.

If FTP-server is used it is necessary to use a parameter for in the form of


In this case, the image of the bootloader will be loaded by TFTP protocol from a server with address and name mag200/SbootIm.

Need Help

Dave is an expert on the MAG STB and the author of this article.

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