Software update MAG250/254/270
Public and Factory software images can be updated from the Embedded portal (HTTP or USB update methods) to the Factory software image only.
To update STB to Public image (provided in Releases at it is necessary to use Bootloader menu Upgrade Tools (USB Bootstrap, MC Upgrade, and so on).
Updating STB to custom/other software images (that differs from the factory one) is performed in the Embedded portal (HTTP, USB) or in the MiddleWare menu. The following instructions should be taken into account:
- Image-making: Image-making (PublicImage, CustomImage, OperatorImage)
- SSH access configuring: SSH
STB software description
- STB software version description
- STB software release
- STB software provided by manufacturer - public and factory images
- STB software update
- Images created by Operators
- Instructions for building image
- STB software customization
Software releases MAG250/254/270
Software versions of STB are released to STB basic models (250, 254, 270). Last releases location:<model>/release/<release>
<model> - mag250, mag254 or mag270
<release> - version of release.
Update from Embedded portal by HTTP
There are two options on how to update STB software from the manufacturer's web-server (by HTTP) using the commands of Embedded portal menus:
- Update from Settings menu;
- Update from System Settings menu.
When STB runs with the standard software image (Factory image), the software will be updated to the last stable version of the Factory image located on the manufacturer's server.
Update from Settings menu
- Open Settings menu of Embedded portal;
- Choose Software autoupdate;
- In the opened window choose Update manually (F2 on RC).
- In the opened Software autoupdate window,
choose the list of New versions by pressing OK - The latest available version is on top of the list; - Select the required software version;
- Choose Update (F1);
- Wait until STB will be updated. The status of the software update is displayed by the progress bar and comments. STB will be rebooted automatically after the update.
Update from System Settings menu
- Go to Settings ⇒ System settings (or press Setup, Services, or Set on the RC - depending on RC type);
- Open Sofware update.
- Set Update method = HTTP.
- Push Verify (ОК). If the test is successful you'll see information about the availability of new versions of the software.
- Push Update (F1) - to begin the update. The status of the software update is displayed by the progress bar and comments.
- At the end of software downloading STB will automatically reboot.<model>/imageupdate
Note! The string is available for editing via the virtual keyboard (brought up by KB key on RC) or USB keyboard.
Update with USB drive
STB software can be updated using USB-drive. The required software version should be pre-downloaded and written to the USB-drive.
USB-drive requirements
- The USB drive must have a FAT32 file system format. If there are more than one partitions on the USB drive use the first one.
- In case of an update from the Bootloader, if your STB has more than one USB socket, a rear socket is used for the upgrade.
- Create directory mag<model> (<model> - basic model number: 250, 254 or 270) in a root directory of the USB-drive.
Update from System settings menu
Updating from the System Settings menu of the Embedded portal allows updating STB software to the factory image.
Note! File bootstrap is not used.
On PC (preparation the USB-drive)
- Download the imageupdate file from manufacture's server:<model>/imageupdate. For example, for MAG254:
Put the imageupdate file in the USB-drive directory mag<model>. For example, for MAG254:
- Connect prepared USB-drive to STB socket.
- Open System settings ⇒ Software update.
- In the window Software update set Update method = USB. You can see two new strings:
- Disk - name of USB-drive;
- Path - Path to update file on the USB-drive.
- Select Verify (OK) to make sure that the STB detects imageupdate file.
- If the file has been detected and can be read you'll see Software Update window.
- In Software Update window you can see descriptions of the software versions: the Current version (operating in STB) and New version (available on USB drive).
- Find out whether you need for updating by comparing Current and New versions.
- To reject the update click Cancel in Software Update window.
- To begin updating click Update (F1) in Software Update window.
- Wait until updating is complete. The status of the software update is displayed by the progress bar and comments.
- After software loads, STB will automatically reboot.
Update from Bootloader menu
The Bootloader menu is launched by the user during STB boot. This type of update allows updating STB software to Public image.
Note! File bootstrap should be used. It is located in the STB release.
At PC (preparation of USB-drive)
- If you need to upgrade STB to factory image:
- Download Bootstrap_<model> file from release of required STB model;
- Bootstrap_<model> rename to Bootstrap;
- Download imageupdate file from manufacture's server:<model>/imageupdate
- Put imageupdate and Bootstrap files in the directory mag<model>
- If you need to upgrade STB to public image:
- Download imageupdate and Bootstrap_<model> files from release;
- Bootstrap_<model> rename to Bootstrap;
- Put imageupdate and Bootstrap files in the directory mag<model>.
For example, for MAG254:
- Connect prepared USB-drive to STB socket (if there are two USB-sockets - you must use the rear one).
- Enter Bootloader menu;
- Select Upgrade Tools, open by pressing Right on RC ;
- Select USB Bootstrap and confirm with OK;
- Wait for updating finish, STB will be rebooted.
Possible problems when updating software using USB-drive
1. The STB does not start updating or does not detect folder or update files on USB-drive - USB-drive is not initialized ("Internal error" message, etc.):
- Recheck folder name, update files, file sources. The folder name and the imageupdate file must contain only small letters (lowercase). Folder and file names should not contain characters added: examples of the wrong name are mag_254, imageupdate (1), Bootstrap_254, and so on.
- If you are not sure about the source of update files (imageupdate and Bootstrap), re-download them.
- Check extension of the update files - set view mode of the folder with files "Show extension". Files should not have extensions (like txt, etc.).
- There may be a problem with the USB drive. Check the requirements for the USB-drive again: file system is FAT32, the first partition is used.
- If you update from the Bootloader menu - try another USB socket of STB.
- If you can not resolve the problem with USB-drive, please note the following:
- if you have problems with starting files from USB (especially if you know that the USB drive was used as a boot disk or was handled by a utility like "Partition", etc.), format USB drive (file system should be used FAT-32) and repeat updating procedure;
- it is recommended to use firmware (provided by drive manufacturer) formatting utilities;
- it is recommended to use USB dongle of well-known brands (Transcend, Sandisk, Kingston, etc.).
- Try another USB drive.
2. When upgrading from Bootloader menu, STB starts bootstrap file, but does not start receiving the imageupdate file or downloading did not end successfully:
- Check the name of the imageupdate file. You may need to replace the imageupdate file and try the update again.
- Probably, problems with USB-drive - see item 1.
3.'Wrong signature', 'Unsupported architecture' - Probably, you use inappropriate image type.
- Make sure that the imageupdate file matches your STB model.
- If you are not sure about source of update files, re-download it, replace the file on the USB drive, and then try to update again.
- Make sure that the imageupdate file contains Public image. If needed replace the file on the USB drive, and then try to update again.
Update from Bootloader using Multicast
A multicasting update is performed from the Bootloader menu. This update method can only be used to install the public software versions (Public image) of the required STB model, those are located in the STB software release or created by users independently according to the instructions of the STB manufacturer.
The following utilities can be used as a means to multicast update files on the local network:
- for Linux OS - mcsend utility. This utility is part of the Operators Utilities for building STB software image. Description of the utility is given in the document Operator_Guide_MAG200.pdf.
- for Windows OS- Mcast utility. The below description is concerned with the Mcast utility.
Requirements to Windows OS: Any version OS Microsoft Windows with support .NET Framework 2.0 version and higher.
1. Download imageupdate and Bootstrap files, which will be streaming from PC to STB by multicast, similarly to described in Update from Bootloader menu subsection.
2. Download, unzip, and launch MCAST-V2.0. (zip) application on PC.
3. To ensure IGMP and multicast traffic pass through, it is necessary that PC and STB are in the same broadcast domain. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide routing for multicast flows on the required network division. It is usually sufficient to use a direct cable network connection between STB and PC or they both must be connected to the same switch/router (in the last case, the STB and the PC must be connected to the switch/router with wire connection).
Multicasting from PC with Mcast utility
The mcast utility must multicast two streams: stream 1 - Bootstrap file, stream 2 - imageupdate file.
- Run Mcast utility. This activates the form QueryUserForNetworkInterface.
- Select the required network interface to multicasting;
- On the main utility form Multicast file streamer v2.0 for each of the two streams (Bootstrap and imageupdate), you must specify:
- File name - the location of the file on the PC (the files must be downloaded to a specific folder of the PC in the preparation phase);
- IP-address, port - IP-address and port to which streams data. These values depend on the STB model. For more information, see Multicast stream addresses.
- Click Start button for stream1 and stream2.
Start multicast upgrade on STB
- Enter Bootloader menu;
- Select Upgrade Tools ⇒ MC Upgrade. STB goes into the mode of receiving and activating the Bootstrap file.
- The multicast IP-address and port on which the STB expects to receive data will be displayed on the TV screen. Compare it with data that was set in the msast utility for stream1 (see IP-address, port option). If they are not equal then correct this value in utility.
- The progress bar on the TV screen must be moving - it informs about the receipt of the multicast stream.
- If Bootstrap file is successfully received then the appropriate message will display and STB automatically switches to receiving and activating the imageupdate file;
- In case of successful receipt of both files, the update procedure will be successfully completed and the updated STB software will be run.
Multicast stream addresses
Address for multicasting of Bootstrap and imageupdate streams in mcast depends on an STB model.
STB model | Address for bootstrap | Address for imageupdate |
MAG250 | or | |
MAG254 | | |
MAG270 | | |
The multicast-update process takes no more than 15 minutes. Successful upgrade finishes by STB reboot and new software version installation. If updating does not end timely (due to improper settings, network failure, etc.), STB does not exit multicast- update by itself. To exit multicast-update you should reboot the STB.
Multicast update example
The example of the multicast update for STB MAG250 is below.
Possible problems during updating using Multicast
- interface (network card) is incorrectly chosen:
- Check up the selected interface in the mcast utility. In case of difficulties, address for the help to a network/system administrator.
- there is a barrier that blocks multicast traffic from the computer (from which running MCAST):
- If PC and STB are connected through external network equipment it is necessary to make sure, that the used network does not exist barrier on the way of multicast and IGMP traffic.
- Check up PC local network settings. Network filters, anti-virus soft as well as another soft can influence transfer multicast traffic;
- Connect your STB directly to PC (Exclude switches, routers, etc.) and start the update process again;
- If PC and STB are connected directly through a UTP cable, check-up the connection, and the cable not to be damaged;
If loading of Bootstrap file is successful, and imageupdate download does not end
Try to reduce the data rate for imageupdate stream to 500 000 bytes/s and start the update process from the beginning.
Software auto-update
Automatic software update consists of two phases:
1. Analysis of new software versions data. The STB periodically reads this data (file update_list.txt) from the web-server with software updates. In the standard software version (factory image), the following address is specified (<Model> - Basic model number: 250, 254 or 270):<Model>/update_list.txt
2. When a new version detects, STB software automatically updates.
Autoupdate setting
To set the auto-update mode:
- Open the Settings menu in the embedded portal;
- Select Software Update;
- In the Auto Update string select the required mode:
- Disabled - auto-update is disabled (the default value);
- Enabled - auto-update is performed when a new version of the software is detected;
- With confirmation - auto-update with confirmation mode: when a new version of the software is detected, a warning message will be displayed on the screen. The user confirmation is expected to continue updating.
- In the Update on beta string of the Software Update window select:
- ON - use the beta (i.e.test) version ;
- OFF- do not use the beta version (the default value).
- In the Software Update window, click Save (OK).
The stability of the beta version is not guaranteed.
If the auto-update feature is disabled, the new version of the software will not be displayed, the software of the STB can only be updated manually.
For a detailed description of the auto-update see the developer Autoupdate module description section.
Wait until updating is complete. Status of the software update is displayed by progress bar and comments.