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The Settings section of the Embedded portal includes general settings that affected STB operation and applications of the Embedded portal.

How to open Settings

Settings window is accessible via the Main Menu window. Example for MAG322:

Image Documentation

List of settings

Image Documentation


This section of Settings is intended to set up playback properties. These settings applied to playback of all media channels and files played with IPTV channel and Home media applications.

Options Description
Primary audio track language
If the media stream contains several audio tracks in different languages, this option defines which audio track language has to be used as default within playback. In case the media stream does not contain the audio track with specified in this option language, the first audio track language that specified in the media stream will be used.
Note. See also the Audio track chapter.
Primary subtitle language

This option can disable or enable displaying of subtitles with particular (primary) language during playback. The media stream may include subtitles in several languages. If the media stream does not contain subtitles with a language specified in this option then a first subtitle language specified in the media stream will be used.
Note. See also the Subtitles chapter.

Subtitle size

Subtitle display size: small, normal, large, huge.

Subtitle color
Color of subtitle display.
Aspect ratio

This option defines a current display scaling mode. Offered values are:

  • Fit on;
  • Zoom;
  • Optimal;
  • Stretch.

Note. The aspect ratio can also be changed during playback with the Change aspect ratio Image Documentation key on RC.

* - the corresponding value of environment variable is shown in brackets


This section of Settings is intended to define properties of the Embedded portal user interface as well as additional features affected STB operation.


Start page

Start page (window) which should be displayed first after Embedded portal get loaded. Possible start page options:

Note. The Portal loading occurs in the following cases: 1) Exit from Main Menu; 2) Portal restart; 3) STB power ON or reboot; 4) Exit from deep standby mode.

Weather system format

Used to display weather reports/forecasts that are shown in the Main Menu window. Possible values are:

  • Metric - Celsius (°C), meters per second (m/s);
  • English - the Fahrenheit (°F), miles per hour (miles/h).
HDMI event reaction

This option defines how STB should react to events related to HDMI media interface. The following values for this field are used:

  • Disabled - no reaction;
  • Enabled - the reaction is enabled immediately if an event is detected;
  • 5 minutes delay - the reaction is activated 5 minutes after the event had been detected;
  • 10 minutes delay - the reaction is activated 10 minutes after event had been detected.

Possible events and corresponding reactions:

  • event 1: power off the device (TV) - reaction: STB goes to Standby;
  • event 2: power on the device (TV) - reaction: STB exits from Standby to Active state;
  • event 3: disconnecting cable from STB socket - reaction: STB goes to Standby;
  • event 4: connecting cable to STB socket - reaction: STB goes from standby to Active state.

Standby modes are described in the Standby mode option.

Screensaver interval

This option enables/disables the Screen saver mode of STB. The following values are used:

  • Disabled - screen saver is disabled;
  • 1 minute - 10 minutes - screen saver is enabled. It turns on after a specified time of STB inactivity (i.e. delay time);

If the Screen saver feature is enabled, after the selected delay time, the STB goes to Screen saver mode. Screen saver feature starts displaying on the TV screen a specified picture (set in Screensaver option) instead of a currently displayed window of Embedded portal.
STB inactivity refers to the following:

  • no external commands from input devices (remote control, keyboard, mouse, etc.);
  • no media playing back;
  • no background activity (like channel recording and file downloading).

Screen saver stops displaying after the STB receives any command from an input device or detects the TV is on (HDMI event 2) if the HDMI event reaction feature is enabled. The STB resumes displaying the window that was previously open.
Note. If Screen saver is combining with Standby mode, after entering to Standby mode which causes disabling video/audio interfaces, Screen saver stops displaying.

This option sets the picture to be displayed as Screen saver - see description of the Screen saver interval option. The following values for this option are used: abstract, blank, clock.
Clock during playing

This option enables/disables displaying the electronic clock during playback:

  • ON - clock displaying is enabled;
  • OFF - clock displaying is disabled.

Note. The clock is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

LED brightness

The brightness level of the STB LED (located on the front panel) in active mode (0-100%).
LED brightness (blink/standby)
The brightness level of the STB LED (located on the front panel) in standby mode (0-100%).
RC model

Selection of Remote Control model which is used as the STB input device. This value is intended to change the appearance of Exit, Menu, Information, Return icons in various Embedded portal windows. The following values are used:

  • SRC-4807
  • SRC-4513

See User manual to Remote control.

Stand by mode

This option defines how STB should behave after going to Standby (sleep) mode. The following values are possible:

  • Active - only audio/video transmission is disabled in Active Standby, but all other subsystems remain in operation. Active Standby provides faster (compared with Deep Standby) resuming STB operation after exiting standby mode;
  • Deep - all subsystems of the STB is turned off in Deep Standby, excluding those waiting (must accept) STB activation command (IR receiver, part of the HDMI interface). Deep Standby mode puts the STB into a low power state.

STB being in On/Active state (not to be confused with Active Standby) goes to Standby in the following cases:

  • pressing Off on RC;
  • in case of reaction on HDMI events (if this feature was pre-enabled):
    • event 1: power off the device (TV) - reaction: STB goes to Standby;
    • event 2: disconnecting cable from STB socket - reaction: STB goes to Standby;
  • auto power Off, if there is no STB activity during the specified time - see description of Auto power down option.

STB being in Standby is waking up after:

  • pressing Off/On key on RC;
  • in case of reaction on HDMI events (if this feature was pre-enabled):
    • event 1: power on the device (TV) - reaction: STB exits from Standby to ON/Active state;
    • event 2: connecting cable to STB socket - reaction: STB goes from standby to active state.
  • after STB reboot caused by STB power cycling.

After STB resumes in active mode, the window that was previously open is displaying.

Auto power down

This option defines STB auto power-down conditions. Possible values are:

  • Off - auto power down is disabled;
  • 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours - auto power-down is enabled after a specified time (delay) of STB inactivity.

Auto power down feature means automatic STB switching over to Standby after pre-set inactivity time. STB inactivity refers to the following state:

  • no input commands, i.e. any external commands do not come from input devices (remote control, keyboard, mouse, etc.);
  • no media playing back;
  • no background activity (like channel recording and file downloading).

* - the corresponding value of environment variable is shown in brackets

Software auto-update

This section of Settings is intended to configure STB auto-update conditions as well as perform manual STB update from the auto-update server.

Description of auto-update - here.

Options Description


Autoupdate options:

  • Disabled - auto-update is disabled (default value);
  • Enabled - auto-update is performed when a new software version is detected by STB;
  • With confirmation - when a new software version is detected, auto-update starts only after user confirmation.
Update to beta versions

Permission to update STB to beta (test version) software

  • ON - use beta version software for the update;
  • OFF - do not use the beta version to be updated on (default value).
Update manually / F2

Entering to the manual software update window. See detailed description in Update from Settings menu section.

* - the corresponding value of environment variable is shown in brackets


This section of Settings is intended to configure TimeShift feature. TimeShift feature provides the user with the ability to record current IPTV channel streaming to be watched it afterward (during a current show or after its expiration) starting from either time position within the recording.
As the storage medium (memory buffer) a USB flash drive connected to STB is used.

A full description of this feature is given in the Timeshift section.

Options Description
Use TimeShift
  • ON - enable TimeShift;
  • OFF - disable TimeShift.

This option enables/disables TimeShift feature use.

Icon enable
  • ON - enable TimeShift icon;
  • OFF - disable TimeShift icon.

This option enables/disables TimeShift icon Image Documentation to be displayed on the screen during channel playback. If the icon is enabled it will be appeared on the screen (in the top left corner) as soon as Timeshift recording is started and disappeared after Timeshift is stopped.

File location

USB storage device to be used as a memory buffer.
Note. By default, the value 'None' is assigned. To enable the TimeShift feature you should specify a USB-drive (select it from all connected USB drives list).

Once selected, USB-drive is used as File location all time it connected and every time you connect it to the STB (until you assign a different USB drive).

This option defines the maximum allowed time during which a single uninterrupted media stream can be written to the buffer. At the end of the Length time, the TimeShift recording can be stopped or cyclically recorded instead of the already existing record (see Using buffer mode option).
The suggested value range consists of timespans from 15 minutes to 24 hours.
Using buffer mode

This option defines how to proceed when buffer size becomes full (i.e. after expiring the time which specified in Length option):

  • Cyclic record mode - recording new media stream data will be continued over previously recorded data (i.e. old data is erased).

  • Stop when out of space - recording of the media stream stops.

On exit

This option specifies how STB should handle recorded in buffer media data after Timeshift recording termination:

  • Save buffer - the data is stored on the USB drive (in records folder);

  • Do not save the buffer - the data is not saved (erased from USB drive buffer);

  • Request to save - the user is asked if the recorded data should be saved.

Timeshift recording termination occurs in the following situations:

  • Specified Length of TimeShift is expired and Using buffer mode = Stop when out of space;

  • USB drive is removed from STB or gets full;

  • TimeShift was disabled (over IPTV channel menu);

  • Exit from watching the channel (switch over another channel; exit from watching with Exit Image Documentationor Stop Image Documentation keys; putting STB to Standby; power STB off).


This option defines how Timeshift (recording to memory buffer) should be started:

  • By pressing Pause button (default value) - TimeShift starts by the user, during channel playback, immediately after pressing Play/Pause Image Documentationkey on RC;
  • 1 second, 3 seconds, 5 seconds or 10 seconds - if one of the listed values is selected, TimeShift starts automatically on every opening any channel supported Timeshift feature, after the selected delay time. If you leave the channel within a specified delay, the recording does not start.

* - the corresponding value of environment variable is shown in brackets

Speed test

This section of Settings contains Speed test application that determines the availability of network connections (wired or wireless) and measures the actual speed of data receiving to STB via the Internet, between STB and Infomir's servers.

System settings

This shortcut of Settings leads to the System settings section that contains the main (system) settings of STB.

Access control

This section of Settings is intended to set up the Access control feature in order to restrict the access to various windows/applications of the Embedded portal.
Options of level 1 Options of level 2 Description
Access control

  • ON - enable access control;
  • OFF - disable (suspend) access control.
Passwords (Digits only)

The maximum password length is 10 characters. The password can only contain numeric characters (0...9).

Advanced (F1)
System settings ON/OFF (Enable/Disable) access to System settings.
Portals loader

ON/OFF access to the Select a portal for loading window.

Main menu
  • ON - access to the Main menu and all its nested sections (windows) are managed together. In this case, if access to Main Menu is allowed it means that access to all Main Menu's nested sections is allowed too (and vise versa - if access to Main Menu is not allowed then access to all nested sections is not allowed too).
  • OFF - access to each of Main Menu's nested sections (listed below) is configured separately.

Home Media

ON/OFF access to Home media.
IPTV-каналы ON/OFF access to IPTV-channels.

Record manager

ON/OFF access to Record manager.

Download manager

ON/OFF access to Download manager.

Internet browser

ON/OFF access to Internet browser.


ON/OFF access to Weather.

Menu Guide

ON/OFF access to Menu Guide.


ON/OFF access to Settings.

* - the corresponding value of environment variable is shown in brackets

Values of Access Control and Password options are stored in STB environment variables (see table). They can be forcedly reset by the user with the STB factory reset.

Advanced settings of the Access control feature (access to various nested Main menu's applications) are stored in User Data.

How to configure Access control

On the initial STB state (factory settings), Access control is disabled.

To enable Access control:

1. Open SettingsAccess Control.

  • In the Access Control window set Access Control to ON:
  • In the Password (Digits only) option set password value.

2. Click F1 Advanced tub (F1 on RC) and configure access (ON - access restricted, OFF - no restriction) to the following applications/windows:

  • Exit the Advanced subsection and click Save (OK on RC).
  • To lock STB, restart Embedded Portal - exit from Main Menu or use Restart Portal command.

How to lock/unlock STB

If the Access Control is enabled then STB can be in one of opposite states:

  • locked - STB restricts access to specified windows as well as to the Access Control window. When you try to open these windows, the Unlock warning is popped up - you need to enter the password to access the window. To shift STB to a locked state restart the Embedded Portal - exit from the Main Menu or use Restart Portal command.
  • unlocked - access is open to any windows of the Embedded portal. STB gets unlocked after accessing one of the windows for which access control is assigned (after entering the correct password in the Unlock window).

Image Documentation

How to suspend/resume Access control

When the Access control is suspended, all pre-configured Access control settings are stored but become temporarily disable - all windows of the Embedded portal is fully accessible to the user.

To suspend Access control:

  • Open SettingsAccess Control.
  • In the Access Control window set the Access Control option to OFF.
  • Click Save (OK on RC).

To resume Access control action, set the Access Control option to ON.

How to reset password

If the user has lost/forgotten the password of Access control, use STB factory reset to disable the Access control and reset the password:

  • For MAG250/254/270 - Reset to factory settings from Bootloader menu
  • For MAG256/3xx/4xx - Reset to factory settings with Service (Fn) button:
    • MAG256 - boot in Mode 3 (LED red, fast flashing);
    • MAG3xx - boot in Mode 2 (LED white, quick flashing);
    • MAG4xx - boot in Mode 2 (LED red, quick flashingabout 3 times per second).


In this section of Settings, the Teletext feature is configured. These settings apply to all STB channels with Teletext that played in the IPTV-channels section.

The description of this feature is given in the Teletext section.

Options Descriptions
Use Teletext

ON - Teletext info displaying is allowed;
OFF - Teletext info displaying is forbidden.

Force charset

As some channels can be provided with Teletext info in several languages, this option allows you to force encoding (language selection) of Teletext information. It is used to correctly display information:

  • Disabled - forced charset assigning is not used. The Teletext encoding type is selected from channel info;
  • Auto - automatic detection of necessary encoding;
  • Specific language (English, Portuguese/Spanish, Polish, ...) - this language will be forced used for displaying Teletext information. If Teletext information does not contain a specified language variant then encoding assigned by channel will be used.
Display ratio

An aspect ratio of the display graphics window that is used to display Teletext:

  • 4:3
  • 16:9
Opacity level

Opacity level for Teletext info (0-100).

* - the corresponding value of environment variable is shown in brackets

Teletext options Force charset, Display ratio, Opacity level can be changed during watching with the channel's menu, which can be brought up with Menu Image Documentation key.

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Dave is an expert on the MAG STB and the author of this article.

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