Automatic STB software update (hereinafter - auto-update) is designed to detect whether a new version is available on the update server and, if needed, to update STB software.
If STB is running manufacturer’s software (Public or Factory image), the auto-update is performed from the manufacturer’s server on a new version of the Factory software image.
Autoupdate procedure
Auto-update consists of two phases:
1. Analysis of new software version existence. STB periodically reads file update_list.txt from web-server with software updates. See Update file address.
2. Launching a required auto-update scenario. When the existence of the new version is detected, STB launches auto-update scenario according to the settings:
- Disabled - auto-update is not performed, info message about the existence of the new version is not displayed.
- Enabled — the immediate start of downloading of new software version from the update server, followed by a software update and STB restart.
- With confirmation - the Software Autoupdate window is displayed on the screen with a description of current and new software versions. To start the update, the user must run the Update (F1) command.
A more detailed description of the auto-update procedure is given in the developer's section - Autoupdate module description.
Autoupdate scenario configuration
In the Embedded portal, auto-update conditions are set in the section: Settings ⇒ Software autoupdate.
To configure auto-update:
- Open Settings ⇒ Software autoupdate.
- Specify Autoupdate option:
Disabled - auto-update is disabled (default value);
If the auto-update is disabled, the user is not informed via STB messages of the new software issued. In this case, the only way to update software is manually (HTTP, USB).
- Enabled - auto-update is executed as soon as a new version of the software is detected at the server. After update start, the Software Autoupdate window is displayed on the screen, which indicates current and new software versions, as well as the status of the software update in the form of a filling progress bar and comments;
- With confirmation - auto-update is executed in confirmation mode: when a new software version is detected, an info message is displayed on the screen. The user confirmation is expected to continue updating. See description
- Specify Update to beta versions option:
- ON - use beta (i.e.test) version;
OFF- do not use beta versions (the default value).
The stability of the beta versions is not guaranteed.
- In the Software Update window, click Save (OK).
The value of Autoupdate and Update to beta versions options of Software Autoupdate window is stored in STB in variables autoupdate_cond and betaupdate_cond, respectively.
Update file address
The address of update_list.tx file, which contains information about the latest software version. It is stored in STB in autoupdateURL variable. In standard software version (provided by the manufacturer) the following address is specified (<Model> - Basic model number):
For example, for MAG254:
Autoupdate with confirmation
Auto-update with confirmation is one of the scenarios which are specified in the auto-update settings. When a new software version is detected, the Software autoupdate window is appeared, which indicates the Current version and New version (latest version specified in update_list.txt file).
The user should decide if update needed (after comparing the current and new versions):
- To reject the update, click Cancel (Exit on RC) in the Software autoupdate window.
- To proceed with the update, select Update (F1 on RC) in the Software autoupdate window.
Manual update
In addition to configuring auto-update, in the Software autoupdate window you can also run the update manually by F1 Update command.
This feature is described in the Update from Portal by HTTP section.