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Environment variables are used to store common variables within different scenarios and Linux programs.

Name Possible values Description Notes
bg_color RGB value is a 4-byte Long Integer in the format (0x00RRGGBB) The background color of the bootloader

Color Codes


fg_color RGB value is a 4-byte Long Integer in the format (0x00RRGGBB) The font color of the bootloader

Color Codes


language en (English), de (German), ru (Russian), uk (Ukrain), tr (Turkish) language of the embedded portal user interface de - starting from software version 0.2.16
upnp_conf lan, wlan, off UPnP client startup mode
timezone_conf  List of Supported Timezones Sets the time zone
ntpurl  URL time server
(IP, Domain Name)
List of free NTP-Servers on
audio_initial_volume  0-100 Initial volume level when start STB
bootTVsystem  PAL, NTSC Video output mode to display the bootloader
tvsystem auto*, PAL, 576p-50, 720p-50, 1080i-50, 1080p-50, NTSC, 576p-60, 720p-60, 1080i-60, 1080p-60

Sets the video output mode

* - auto value is valid for MAG256/322/... (i.e. and for all subsequent STB models)
graphicres  tvsystem_res, 720, 1280, 1920 Sets the graphics resolution
input_buffer_size 0-20000 Sets the value stream buffering (ms)
auto_framerate 50_60, 24_50_60, 24_50, 24_60, disabled Sets the autofarmerate mode Only for HD mode (720p, 1080i/p)
URL of external portal1
URL of external portal2
custom_url_hider  true, false Hides/displays the input fields Portal 1 and Portal 2 in the “System settings” ⇒ “Servers” Starting from software version 0.2.16.
update_url http://url/imageupdate URL of STB software image for update  Update STB software from the “System Settings”
autoupdateURL http://url/update_list.txt URL for automatic update module  Automatic update STB software(Default: updating on STB software of manufacturer). Update STB software from “Settings” in main menu of embedded portal Autoupdate module description
autoupdate_cond  0, 1, 2 (0 - enable, 1 - with confirmation, 2 - disable)
Recommended to turn off autoupdate function in cutomized STB software version for not updating in manufacturer's standard STB software versions.
betaupdate_cond 0, 1 (0 - disable, 1 - enable) Automatic update STB software on the beta-versions (updating on STB software of manufacturer) If the variable autoupdate_cond=2 (disabled) then updating to beta STB software versions will be turned off
force_dvi 0, 1 (0 - disable, 1 - enable) Enable the DVI mode via HDMI Attention! When enabling this mode the sound does not output from HDMI
IP address of Ethernet interface
Network mask
IP address of network gateway
IP address of DNS server

To view other variables' value and name, you can use built-in utility fw_printenv directly in STB.

The Utility is described in the Operator guide (pdf) section: Utilities description, page 27.

For example:

  • Change/Set in the internal/external portal, using STB menu, necessary configuration/option;
  • Connect to STB through SSH (default login: root, pswd: 930920) and perform:
  • The last changed variable will be at the end of the list.

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Dave is an expert on the MAG STB and the author of this article.

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