User devices statistics
Note! The ability to view statistics of devices used by users has been added in the version of Ministra TV Platform 5.6.1.
2. Select User devices statistics.
A list of devices from which authorization to the portal was performed is displayed.
Work with a list of user devices
To search for data by a specific parameter, enter the search word or its part in the Search field in the upper right corner.
You can also sort by columns Record ID, User ID, User name, User login, Reseller, Device MAC, Platform, Model, License key, Date added (in format MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI). Click on the column name. Sorting is done from the biggest to the smallest, from A to Z and vice versa.
You can filter the list of users by parameters:
Reseller - indicate the reseller that is assigned to the user;
Platform - select a platform, for example STB;
Model - specify the device model, for example MAG322;
License key - specify the type of License key:
- Operator's key - key that is displayed when viewing statistics and was previously added by the operator to the administrative panel.
- User own key - key that is not displayed when viewing statistics. The user can purchase such a key on the Infomir website or directly in the Ministra Player application.
- Without key - the key field remains empty, authorization was performed from the STB.
To display the desired columns, click in the upper right corner, then put
to display the required columns.
View user device types
In order to view from which devices the user logged in, use one of the methods:
1. Set focus on the user and click .
2. Select Show current user's devices.
Click on User ID.
A list of devices with which the current user authenticated, as well as the License keys that were used for authorization, is displayed.
View user profile
On the statistics page of user devices, it is possible to go to the profile of the selected user. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Set focus on the user and click .
2. Select Show current user.
The user account edit page is displayed.