How to add or edit storage information?
Add a storage
1. Open tab Storage.
2. Choose Storage list.
3. Press button Add storage.
4. Fill in the necessary fields.
Required fields are marked with *.

Title - enter the storage title. You can use letters, numbers and symbols from the list: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
IP - enter storage server IP address.
Apache port - enter the port number, via the one Apache server is accessed.
Home directory - enter the path to STB's home directory. There will be created catalogs, symbolic links etc.
Maximum of the users - enter maximum users number, who can view the storage content simultaneously. Depends on storage server's productivity.
To allow content storage and recording, you need:
- Expand the Additional Information tab;
- Put
in Storing content box to allow the storage of files from the Video Club and Karaoke;
- From the Allow TV recording drop-down list, select the server program that will be used to make the recordings on the storage server.
Please notice that when TV archive will be set up there will be available only those servers which match by recording type. E.g. if storage records via Flussonic DVR, when setting TV archive with Flussonic DVR recording type, there will be available only the storages with this recording type.
5. Press Save.
Edit a storage
1. Open tab Storage.
2. Choose Storage list.
3. Focus on storage and press .
4. Choose Edit.

5. Edit the storage information.
6. Press Save.