How to set up the service of the TV archive in the tariff plans?
1. Add a line in the configuration file custom.ini:
disabled_moduled[] = tv_archive
2. In the administrative panel, open the Tariffs tab
3. Select Service Packages.
4. Choose Add Package.
5. In the Service field, set the TV.
6. Select an available channel from the list.
7. In the selected channel, click on for setting up a TV archive.
8. Fill in the required fields and click Save.
TV archive type - Select the type of TV archive from the list;
Archive servers - Choose an available server for recording TV archive;
TV archive address - Enter the address for the recording of TV archives;
TV archive length - Enter the duration of the TV archive recording. Measured in hours.
Allow nPVR - Allow the user to write the selected programs to the server store.
9. Press on to enable or disable the TV channel archive.
10. Click Save.
11. Add this service packages to the Tariff Plan.