How to add or edit a Tariff plan?
Please notice that Tariff plan functionality should be switched on in Ministra configuration file. To do so add a line in custom.ini.
enable_tariff_plans = true
To add tariff plan
1. Open tab Tariffs.
2. Choose Tariff plans.
3. Press button Add tariff plans.

4. Fill in the necessary fields.
External ID - enter external Tariff plan indicator. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Tariff - enter the Tariff plan name. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .
Set as default - if you put in this field, this tariff plan will be set by default to all new set-top boxes. In the general list, Default tariff plan is marked and is the only one of this kind.
Service package - choose the service packages for the tariff plan. Then choose access type for each service package - full or optional. See here for details about access types.
Validity period, days - specify the period of time during which the tariff plan will be valid (from 1 to 365 days).
Notification - from the drop-down list, select the Time until the end of the tariff, as well as the Message template, which will be displayed previously for the specified time.

Please notice that you should create the service packages first and then make a tariff plan based on them. At the end of the validity period of the tariff plan, the type is automatically changed to the default tariff plan.
Please notice that to change the default tariff you should:
a. Remove the tick in Set as default field of the following tariff plan;
b. Put the tick in Set as default field of the required tariff plan .

To edit Tariff plan
1. Open tab Tariffs.
2. Choose Tariff plans.
3. Focus on tariff plan and press .
4. Choose Edit.

5. Edit the tariff plan data.
6. Press Save.