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If you usually use the same parameters from user filtering, you can save them.

1. Open tab Users.
2. Choose User lists.
3. Choose necessary filter parameters and press Save filter.

How to save filter parameters?

4. Fill in the fields of Save filter form.

How to save filter parameters?

Filter name - enter Filter name. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .

For all - means the filter visibility:

How to save filter parameters? -the filter will be seen by all admins;

How to save filter parameters?- the filter will be seen only by an administrator who created it.

Description - enter the filter description. You can use letters, digits, and symbols from the list : ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + : ; , .

Click Save.

Then, when it is needed, you can conduct filtering via previously saved parameters:

1. Open tab Users.
2. Choose Filters.
3. Set focus on the filter.

You can conduct next actions with filters: EditAdd eventAdd to favorites and Delete.

How to save filter parameters?

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Cindy is an expert on the Ministra TV platform and the author of this article.

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