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1. Open tab Events.
2. Choose Schedule.
3. Press button Add event.

Image Documentation

4. Fill in the necessary fields.

Required fields are marked with *.

Image Documentation

Type - choose type:

  • one time - event will be done once at the time set.

The date of run event - set the date when you plan to launch the event; 
Time -  set a time when you plan to send event. For example, you plan to send messages to all users on 15/06/2019 at 10:00.

Image Documentation
  • for a period - the event will be repeated within the period of time. 

Please notice that if the date of start event is not set, the actual date is set. If the expiry date is not set, the event will be repeated with the set interval until its status is not changed to Stopped.

Image Documentation

Date of start event - set the date, when you plan to launch the series of event for the period; 
Date of end event 
- set the date, when you plan to stop the series of event for the period; 
Repeating interval 
- choose the repeating interval:

Image Documentation

Month - choose month during which you plan to conduct the event.
Date type - putImage Documentationfor date type: by Week days or by Day number.

Day of week - put Image Documentation for those week days when you plan the event to be done. For example, you plan the message to all users in January on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the period from 01/01/17 to 31/12/17 at 12:00.

Day number - please set the number of days, after which you plan to repeat the event.  For example, you plan the message to all users in January each third day of this month (3 January, 9 January...30 January) in the period from 01/01/17 to 31/12/17 at 12:00.

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Image Documentation

Date type - putImage Documentationfor date type: by Day of week or by Day number.

Day of week - put Image Documentation for those week days when you plan the event to be done. 
For example, you plan the message to all users on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each third month (March, June, September, December)
in the period from 01/01/17 to 31/12/17 at 12:00.

Day number - please set the number of days, after which you plan to repeat the event. For example, you plan the message to all users each third month (March, June, September, December) each third day of this month (3 January, 9 January...,1 March, 3 March, 9 March, ...,1 June, 3 June, 9 June, ...30 December) in the period from 01/01/17 to 31/12/17 at 12:00.

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Image Documentation

Day - put Image Documentation for those days when you plan to conduct the event.   For example, you plan the message to all users on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the period of time from 01/01/17 to 31/12/17 at 12:00.


Image Documentation

Day number - set the number of days after which you want to repeat the event. For example, you plan the message to all users each third day from 01/01/17 to 31/12/17 (3 January, 9 January,... 30 December) at 12:00.

Time - set time, when you plan to have the event done. You can set the time with accuracy up to 5 min.

Image Documentation

Recipient - choose recipient:

  • All - action will be done for all users.
  • Group - action will be done for the group of users. See here how to create a group. 
  • One - action will be done for one user, you should state their MAC address.
  • Filter - action will be done for the group of users, which are the result of filtering. See here how to create a filter.

Action - choose the action: Send a message, Reboot, Restart a portal, Update channel list, Playback channel, Playback radio channel, Turn off, Image update. See here how to fill in the fields for each event type.

TTL - recommended TTL value is set for each event by default.  This parameter determines the urgency term of the event, after which it will not be conducted. 

5. Press Save.

Notice: the number of the day/month for event conduction by schedule corresponding to 1 January, not the date of start event.

For example:

Date of start event - 9 February (actual date)
Repeating interval - each third month, each third day of the month.
Then next run - 3 March.

To see the next event run on schedule:

1. Open tab Events.
2. Choose Schedule. Next date is shown in column Next run.

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Cindy is an expert on the Ministra TV platform and the author of this article.

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