How to block access to Ministra portal?
Access to the Ministra portal from devices is switched on by default. To block access from mobile devices, create the special Service Package and include it in the Tariff plan. Users who are assigned the appropriate Tariff plan will not be able to log into the portal from devices. If the tariff is set as default, all new connections from devices will be denied access.
Follow these instructions to deny access to devices.
1. Open the Tariffs tab.
2. Select Service package.
3. Press the Add package button.
4. In the Service field select the value option.
5. Choose the type of operating system that you want to deny access to:
- disable_apiv3_for_android - disabling portal access for Android OS;
- disable_apiv3_for_ios - disabling portal access for iOS;
- disable_apiv3_for_smarttv - disabling portal access for OS Tizen, Smart TV, WebOS;

6. Add the Package you created to the Tariff plan. See here how to assign the Tariff plan.